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Faculty of Biology, Chemistry & Earth Sciences

Chair of Genetics – Prof. Dr. Olaf Stemmann & Prof. Dr. Stefan Heidmann

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Team > Prof. Dr. Stefan Heidmann

Heidmann Prof. Dr. Stefan Heidmann

Biology, Chemistry & Earth Sciences
Chair of Genetic


1983 - 1989Biology student, University of Regensburg and Ludwig-Maximilians University, Munich.
1989 - 1993Graduate student in the lab of Horst Domdey, Genzentrum at the Ludwig-Maximilians University, Munich
1993 - 1996Postdoctoral fellow in the lab of Ken Stuart, Seattle Biomedical Research Institute, Seattle, USA
1996 - 2000Research Assistant at the Chair of Genetics, University of Bayreuth
Since 2000Group leader at the Chair of Genetics, University of Bayreuth
Since 2016Apl. Prof. at the University of Bayreuth

Biology, Chemistry & Earth Sciences
Chair of Genetic

Prof. Dr. Stefan Heidmann
Principal Investigator

Phone: +49 (0)921 / 55-5814
E-mail: stefan.heidmann@uni-bayreuth.de

Webmaster: Petra Seidler

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